Catalytic Converter Theft: An Effective Solution Unfortunately Blocked

by | Apr 15, 2021 | Press Releases

After looking at other states for a solution to the vexing problem of catalytic converter theft and finding no good answers, I worked with experts, victims, law enforcement, and colleagues.

Many months later, we found an approach that would make a huge difference. I was proud to push a plan that could prevent many of these costly thefts. Unfortunately, despite repeated requests for a hearing, the Senate Republican chair refused to take up the bill. With no other option, I offered the bill on the Senate Floor. Again, the Senate majority prevented any discussion or vote. They blocked every path for consideration.

Now, another year will go by without a meaningful response to the problem. Perhaps some other states will pass legislation using this model. Unfortunately, thousands of Minnesotans will be hit by converter theft before we next have a chance to address this crime. Learn More.